

your deconstructive methodology
your flawed behavioral analysis
no appeal for me

I told you from the beginning
how it can only be
by universal law and
maladaptive fiat

I saw it go right by you
you had to hear it pass
and now it's all about
smack-talk and dirty deals
drama high and layin' low

who do you think you are?
who do you think I am?
what're you tryin' t'do t'me?
where will it en?


never say die

she said
never g5ve up
never give in
never say die
she said
some thing
gramma's lye
soap won'take


take this


get me


suck it up


carbine isotope

fourteen decay
temporal severance
split down the

like a


please stop it you're hurting me
emotionally and physically
with your bullheadedness and
procrastination fer fsake

if you are
or will be
going to
some place
do you think
of some times
not going there
of course i
should have known

what was that safety word, again?


i am not a bot

i am not a bot
i am not a bot
i am not a bot

still making no claims of humanity?

i am not a bot
i am not a bot
i am not a bot

who many shall make seven okay?

i am not a bot
i am not a bot
i am not a bot


surviving airless now
- unable to speak or hear

"shut up" she keeps saying "shut up"
like xu

it cannot matter less
the tether is broken and
one of us is drifting
into a vortex
from which there is no return

"god damn" she sez, "god damn"
lie xer

there was something i left with you
i hope you remember

i thinkar e

the more it seems you
"don't say it"

it's all the same to you
it's all the same to you
it's all the same to you

it's all the same to you
it's all the same to you
it's all the same to you

i am dying to be you

you're all gone now

you'll never even miss it 

chasing down the road to zion
vanished in a glitter of arms
and crying of metals

your god blessed you, you sed; he
brought everyone you cared for there?
or were you just mocking weather control?


most important to me n

now and again i think that maybe
if i had only moved a little more
quickly everything would have been
different somewhere

tryst trust
tipping point
go on or hold

that quivering little thing
in the palm of my hand
and wait til Doom befalls us

so which sort of trust was it
you were speaking of?
tryst trust

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