
digital manual

u r pix on my screen
u r memes in my screed

fortune smirks

ninjas on a
white sand beach
late at night moving
along the edges
of light
the dark of the moon

can we live like this
do you know
has it been done
where do we start?

canvas cut from a sail
thick twisted hawser
smoking 'gainst a capstan
it's the big one
this time and this place

this space is
steady state now
loops of strings
it huts
im sorry

ur lookin thru my tearS
at a world i thought i
and isohw

she made the pain go away
let us be u freaks i am u
all as it may yet come to


waning gibbous

loons calling in the west
passing nearby

you will go on forever
saucers are coming for you
i am not the one
the one not am i

never see me again
an never miss it
it was
in you contract
fine print

i'll see you
and raise


the monday after

the moon was full
it was raining at
sun rise
smoky gray light
drifting across
the landscape

a sense of

i can't help

feeling you were angry
wondering what did i do

was it
the way i entered the
room without waiting
to be asked in

i knew you had be told
you were dealing with
a vampire
but it wasn't me, see

can you see your
can i

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This is my poetry blog.

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