
thass whut

i would do while she was sleeping
winding and unwinding the strings
of her guitar
miles of wires
through all those nights

i just didn't make the grade
it seem
they want the
dude to like
wnr i6'e w
i eon o2 can now
temperature and respiration
you took her word and
found out later that she

this sparse matrix of words
will evaporate to soon case

soak them in water or
milk first to soften

so this was it and i
missed it again even
you didn't want more
of that particular i

i can't sleep anymore
and food hurts
all i can think about
is you and
i think it is killing

but you're right
that doesn't really


i know

i know you don't remember
after moon rise
those nites

i know you don't remember
after midnight
those times

dark now
maybe forever

i know you do remember
how to get noticed
in a crowd

i know you do remember
who got sed to be not
the one of

it's a language
it's a process

i know you don't remember
the fair day sun rise
the muggy rooms

i know you don't remember
party who're our candy babylon
the other

who re or ca do me rem baby
i know you don't remember me

it's okay; really it is
it's probably a good thing

i know you don't remember
everything i know you don't
need to

so gaze deep into my crystal circuits
(all humming and glowing all night)
and tell me

who you do know and why and
i will understand you then
i know


i am

the dinny voices of
all the dead whores
who couldn't put it
together and didn't
make it through the
long dark tunnel of

saying all those things
that eve-ry one seem so
afraid of even though i
know each naming song &


i saw you

up on wires
against this guy
shakin' tail-feather
songbird and
yer wingman

didn't make a
till i looked
and you were

all inna smoke & broad day light

is just what i do
in love with a woman who is a
lying whore
and i know she is a
lying whore
but i love her anyway

is just what i do
in this very personal hell
waiting for you to
our destiny

vengeance prime

the mice came
when the cat died
that same night
hoardes of them
ugly brown rats
from the alleys
and pewling grays
from attic mattress

skittering across
the kitchen floor
take one, then two
glancing blows of
a stainless skillet
before a third
catches him square
insides spurting from
gaping mouth in
crushed skull

flattened in mid-stride
every little bone broken
worm food now, but chlorine
desiccates even the genes
drying to dust and powder
over the coming months as

squash grows
and seasons change from
damp heat to icy howl
all in a nonce

and we are far down the path
ever on the road to when we

i no longer remember the year
but the garden & camaraderie
sweating & swatting gnats
all going wrong then
we all knew

it was the weather though
perhaps none will believe
for another score years

it was an ill spring then
and now the endless war


canny bells

who will in their turn
shit you out and you will
become once again one with
the earth beginning again
the cycle of life - but
i only say that because
i know there are some
who might see you
and imagine

the narrowness of mind is pain
even now - after time

this is our mind
who are we?
'd better get something done about this at once'n

hornet moon

ye odl mud daug
ye old mud daubin whore nit
i don' kno whut i's liek to be
a mayfly - mayflies doan byte
do they?
i don't know what it's like
now they're ever'where
a true thing
settling over us
like clouds

i doan kno whut iss lyke

the birds will come for you
so fast, you won't even know
it's them
that's that.

"They will tear you apart like
an owl with a mouse and feed
you to their young.

daug fish

touching everything

are you packing your things
getting ready to go
all the times I wonder that
not true ever is it
gravel bed aquatic
long trout shadows
desert knot plants
not think when one

i don't think so n

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