
the stories that we tell

the stories that we tell each other never end

perfect darkness
perfect light

the stories that we tell each other never end

i won't tell anyone i saw you
i won't be around while you're
who you are and
where you came from or
if your friends are
watching me




eny muire

it wasn't yer wurds
toucht me
eny wai


ghost girl

cornered in the garage
trying to break the cycle
find the end of the wave

the weird resonance
amplified by silence

i remember you
from before

i know you
better than i realized

on the forest floor
on the backwater

they told me you were dead
a long time ago

and all this time you've
been haunting me

you wanted me
you said "for ever"
and you
kept talking about that

when we could
and you would
let me


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