
net irde

you don't need to know 
me anyway not online
not like that

you have your own
life to live

while mine is still
on back-order


sed sed

i sed "you saved my life"  
she sed "i saved your mind"
all pristine, there on her
waste cab pedestal

no one is accepting
nothing now
no how
us what i heard

they gotta condition
preemptively diagnostic
attrition sensitive
star theta

nocturnal and territorial
hunters of prey

bat seizures reported

team spirit at an all time

damn our oneness
you're using me
and giving nothing
back, like i were
a whore - and
not a very skilled one
at that

ego dysfunction
traps here

your syndicate has attempted to
call my people
whenever you know what i mean

you really should
sign your work


data circuit

intensity strobe
all the boundaries
were clearly defined
a sink there
a emitting source


black bag

i have a black bag
in it i keep
a lipstick and
the dildo you left
on the floor
next to my bed
on that June day
before the planned

trans-national expedition

i have a black bag here
and in it i keep some things
it's full to overflowing
memory of you

it was a disaster, of course

they had us surrounded with
death and ash - I was fighting
for something i'm very very
sure of
you know

and some others, of course

i'm not the psychoactive you
are afraid i might be
the one you need

i don't trust you
and you don't respect that
i guess you just haven't been
down quite that far to get it

we're scavengers, of course

you seem to think that's a joke
and you never would say a few of
the more important things that
someone in the position you claim
would certainly have communicated

you are a death trap all naive
in your glorious regalia

i have a black bag

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