
Enormous Johnson and the Invisible Sky Wizards

Enormous Johnson
and the Invisible Sky Wizards
(god and all his friends)

proving every day just how few
people really care
who it is that is
feeding them what jelly,
Pristine Crystalline
Christine Priscilla
silent witness
sliding home again
just beyond the beat just beyond

on the couch on the
phone talkin 5mack4ggi-0-n
she said he said
sum zero wit no net gain
and a noise to signal ratio
a gene-spliced single noose
Fin mac Gigi Ion
sliding home again
just beyond the beat just beyond

drinking the broth from your bowl
stirring with chopstick
skimming egg white
from the surface
sucking the steaming froth of
cayenne & coconut
like mother's milk
the poetry of the
bizarre with
the meter of the
a-sliding home again
just beyond the beat just beyond

sticky sound and shattering glass
there is a wild screaming sound
in the sky
and a silvery pellet falling
nine point two meters
per second per second per
unspoken in
to a dim space
we just were
sliding home again
just beyond the beat just beyond

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