i have realized that
has to enjoy CAMPING
it's NOT so much that
i'm good at it, or even
do it very much
but i do enjoy it,
and today
i realized that,
a woman that
don't enjoy camping
isn't going to be
one i want to
spend much time around.
"Must enjoy camping."
// Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot,
/* Romeo */
Definition: enjoy camping
1. camping can take place in a
wide variety of venues - there are
many different types of camping -
allowances must be made for
disabilities or extreme repulsions
regarding certain types of
camping, BOT the practice of camping
has to be something that doesn't cause
hysteria or threats or spectacular
exits - i suspect it's really much
simpler than it sounds, here,
in the real-real.
2. in fact, a trained guide or
experienced hiker would, i think,
be someone who might gain slightly
more attention as a prospective
To summarize briefly:
Whey-faced bitches n*ed not apply.
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