
hoo doo yoo

tink yer tawkin to: g?

need it now, hunni
right now

and it's gotta be here
i don hae no weah elz t'go

strangers int t' wire

it was just a pulse of light
don't worry
noone seena ting

doan worruh noahn seena ting

hoo doo yoo tink

gaht tah gaht tah

and some times i love you
and some times i love you

and some times i hate you
and some times i hate you

and always i want you
and all ways i want you

me love you long time
you too freaky for me

me love you long time
you too freaky for me


(invisible girl)

(left the door ajar last night)
(she was here)
(i know she was)

we will
speak of this to no one
she said
you were
never here
and i was
never here
this never happened
not even in a dream so

when it does it will
have never before

and you may
remember this
some day in
some way that
you don't expect
now cause well
you know things
change all the
time cause
change is the
only constant in
this world
if you know
what i mean
by this world
where i want
to see you
for awhile
perhaps this
tuesday after
lunch but
there will be
no moon
so no
it couldn't
possibly work
like that
could it

(invisible girl)
(she was here before dawn)
(left the door ajar)
(but we will speak of this to)
(no one)



not retouched
but retouching

adding dimension
or dementia

ofis a
sore subject

sound caries
even in
the thick moist air
of late spring

night things and
glowing buildings


my pgp key

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)



with disembodied spirits
you found me out
standing in a field
that no one else could

it seems

send me secret
coded messages
with the phasing
of the moon

color is a junction
an analog
a digital
system or "universe"

out standing by the
side walk
cavorting w/ the moon



standing in your ghost watching
electric discharge pattern webbing
the absence of you

negative real space intersection
limned with a fine glowing dust

standing in your ghost watching
range pulse return delta noise
resembles human speech some nights
some quarter lunar phasing

a pristine energy field
where your features were
just a little while ago
sub-sonic oscillation matrix
that could have been your voice

this is the neural network that
dials my beeper when you manifest
deep in the silicon forests -
where drifting trees shelter
insane magpies, jackdaws and
psychosomatic jaybirds

i am just a program
running with your ghost
the tiny glowing particles
where you just were

the urgency of legend

i'm in luv with a legend
you stepped into the story
events began to unfold

swagger jonny
like you mean it
how many million more
will it take then
to do what you do
so well

who's counting, anyhow
who's chasing down those
digits as they drift

I Came then bearing
a symbol of peace
I return now bearing
pieces of a symbol

and an urgency
i cannot explain

name no names, belinda

there once was a girl I knew
she said her name was sue
she danced and she sang and
she threw her shoe
and who do you think
knew that shoe?

there once was a girl I knew
we called her 'cindy-lou'
she sang and she danced and
she threw her shoe
who do you think
knew cindy-lou?

this much we all
know is true
sunday night
at the doin do
the bar man worried bout
what she'd do
with the bright red shoe
and what she knew

there once was a boy so blue
he had a thing for his momma's shoe
and the next we knew
he had dropped that clue
the crusty stuff in his sideburns
looked a
lot like glue

skip to my lou my dar-lin.

no snuggling

the nights after the full moon
i stood on the veranda
watching the helicopter formations
and listening to the young ones
skirmishing along the edge of
the wooded zone to the southeast

i've been talking to people who
aren't really here in this
newtonian space-time and I can
hear them answer

it's quieter now - since the
war ended? What. i don't
really have those answers
even for you but i do have
a few things you might
want or need to know,
someday sooner or later

i'm over the edge, now
following the trails you've laid
all unknowing, you say? but
i believe in spirit, too
spirit dancing
spirits gather

i can't be quiet now, i'm sorry
this is too important - to me
perhaps, but still

you know where i am
and you see where i'm going
if you want to know the history
you know how to reach me

no snuggling she sed
but terri hears with
mesa ayyl

she tells me how to travel
no loiter there
pir no spit
nose to wheel
nos feral tao
our creations
wearing all the
magic talismans
even gotta logo


i have ever been

and am only at
your mercy

thank-you jesus,
the rapture has come
and i'm still here
I'm going to the church,
cause the owner's not
home and i
hear they have some
rich loot there, brutha!

i saw your mind there
in a violet glass sphere
everyone was watching so i
slipped you in my pocket
and in thinking about it,
i was glad it was me that
took you because it could
have been someone who did
not love you so much as
they should and i just don't
think that i could bear it

for long

this talk of goddesses
you flatter me a bit i think
with your foundling illuminator
and your boot leg habitats

No, I really can't
i am going to have to let
you go - i don't think i've
ever done anything quite that
harsh to anyone ever in my life
and i don't feel i should be
subjected to this
i'm sorry
i love you

it's just me

there are some problems
with our suggested joining
somewhat beyond the merging
of those our two distinct
ecologies / like

my hands are
not beautiful enough
to touch you

my mouth dry and sticky
enough to feel like sand
on your skin

it's just awkward
the way my clothes are
my eyes hurt

light travels

in straight lines
or in waves those
are the choices u
left me with

correct? i should
answer one or two
a or b
is not a bad word
where i come from

if i gave my life
purest accident

there were some other
things i was going to say
as well to you - but i
don't think i can recall
just what they right now
are or will were being

iw as go in gt el ly ou
wh er em yf am il yi sf
ro mi ne ur op eb ut th
is se em sl ik ea re al
ly co mp li ca te dw ay
to do it


secret society

johnny's got two mommy's
suzy's got an EM 6 teen
the order of the ewer
cut daffodils
in water

i'm going away now
i can't stand it

you have the PGP keys
and all the codes
that matter

you'll know it time
to use them
the sky is green
and there are
in the streets

emo needy seeking

a hooker with a heart of gold
no hitting biting or kicking
talking dirty is okay
insults and sarcasm are turnips

i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to knowv i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to knowi didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know i didn't need to know


i don't know

which is worse
the need to say it
the knowing i'll
never get the chance

i'm just too tired,
it seems like to me
you must want to hurt me
pretty badly, Alice

And you, too, Dick and Jane.

I guess that's fair enough -
I must have scored a
point or two of
my own
at some time
even though i'll never know
now what it was.

So are we quits with it?
Are we
evens and square ? I
broke your tryst trust,
so you break mine back
now it's ok?
Whatever, man,
over's over.

take your formal language and your
five dollar suits with those shiny
patent leather pumps and get on
along your way to whereever it is
you're going

I've found mine,
or it found me
and I"m just fine
waiting now for the
end of it

still seething with
words and images
that burn me inside
like some kind of
you wouldn't understand

I don't care about
any of it
all like a fog
a fond puppy memory

painted in your
body heat
unique infrared

your words don't match your actions.
i don't trust any of you well enough
for this

i felt wanda
didn't cause collateral damage
but i don't know
and probably never will
the kisses i will never forget


thinking now and again

of all those nights
i waited for you
alone or with the child
when you never came

dark time
dark hours

now i'm waiting again
for someone who carries
your spirit
to come to me
and the songs of
the Ringer bird and
the Britteny bird
float over the waves
of ocean bass and
pink sound that
ground me here

buzzing along in
flurries of keystrokes
and clouds of words
now fading as the
code takes hold
drawing me in
holding me

strength flows into me
through my souls and
rocking gently
inside the
glassine unit membrane

on a curve
tangent to
conventional limits of
acceptable behavior in
this time and this space
now and now


i hear voices

people talking
inside my head
i think that
you are one of them
one of them is you

either way i
didn't tell the doctors, but i
thought that you should know
just in case
might be
wondering why
i'm answering you
or trying to

somewhere in this
natural log
imaginary number
ecoled fire

can smolder for days
but still not believe
in the rest of us

and believe me
when i say that
i probably did
not mean that
like it may
have sounded

/X/tmp/0r1z4710n "extemporization"
from the English root word t.

as in
return(u:ei) :
or n


speaking of numbers
i'm thinking of some
more properly "terms"
equi mous

coarse terms of
gutteral tone
an animal growl

sorry, it's just
the daemons again
WR|W_9\W w= = + +s s


in the temple of midnight

countin down
the eve of seein
two score eleven

i cast a fire on the altar
dispelling the crypt-light
as lemon crawls across the
surface of the sea about a
thousand miles away and is
closing fast

nevermind all that
movvin right along
down to funky town
along da riverbank
and the lapping of
the currents gains
slimey stone walls
the dirty smell of
waters moist chill
sinks in

The One Being

yes i'm stalking you,
have been since before
we met
i know your every move, now
that's how i found you here
you only see me when
i want you to

nop layer

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