and some times i love you
and some times i love you
and some times i hate you
and some times i hate you
and always i want you
and all ways i want you
me love you long time
you too freaky for me
me love you long time
you too freaky for me
[required field]
- hoo doo yoo
- gaht tah gaht tah
- (invisible girl)
- retouch
- my pgp key
- cavorting
- shade
- the urgency of legend
- name no names, belinda
- no snuggling
- as
- i have ever been
- it's just me
- light travels
- secret society
- emo needy seeking
- i don't know
- thinking now and again
- i hear voices
- in the temple of midnight
- The One Being
about this site
This is my poetry blog.
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