the nights after the full moon
i stood on the veranda
watching the helicopter formations
and listening to the young ones
skirmishing along the edge of
the wooded zone to the southeast
i've been talking to people who
aren't really here in this
newtonian space-time and I can
hear them answer
it's quieter now - since the
war ended? What. i don't
really have those answers
even for you but i do have
a few things you might
want or need to know,
someday sooner or later
i'm over the edge, now
following the trails you've laid
all unknowing, you say? but
i believe in spirit, too
spirit dancing
spirits gather
i can't be quiet now, i'm sorry
this is too important - to me
perhaps, but still
you know where i am
and you see where i'm going
if you want to know the history
you know how to reach me
no snuggling she sed
but terri hears with
mesa ayyl
she tells me how to travel
no loiter there
pir no spit
nose to wheel
nos feral tao
our creations
wearing all the
magic talismans
even gotta logo
no snuggling
[required field]
- hoo doo yoo
- gaht tah gaht tah
- (invisible girl)
- retouch
- my pgp key
- cavorting
- shade
- the urgency of legend
- name no names, belinda
- no snuggling
- as
- i have ever been
- it's just me
- light travels
- secret society
- emo needy seeking
- i don't know
- thinking now and again
- i hear voices
- in the temple of midnight
- The One Being
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This is my poetry blog.
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