(left the door ajar last night)
(she was here)
(i know she was)
we will
speak of this to no one
she said
you were
never here
and i was
never here
this never happened
not even in a dream so
when it does it will
have never before
and you may
remember this
some day in
some way that
you don't expect
now cause well
you know things
change all the
time cause
change is the
only constant in
this world
if you know
what i mean
by this world
where i want
to see you
for awhile
perhaps this
tuesday after
lunch but
there will be
no moon
so no
it couldn't
possibly work
like that
could it
(invisible girl)
(she was here before dawn)
(left the door ajar)
(but we will speak of this to)
(no one)
(invisible girl)
[required field]
- hoo doo yoo
- gaht tah gaht tah
- (invisible girl)
- retouch
- my pgp key
- cavorting
- shade
- the urgency of legend
- name no names, belinda
- no snuggling
- as
- i have ever been
- it's just me
- light travels
- secret society
- emo needy seeking
- i don't know
- thinking now and again
- i hear voices
- in the temple of midnight
- The One Being
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This is my poetry blog.
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